
Cleaning Guard receives accreditation from SGF

The Cleaning Guard system for tank container cleaning has been audited and accredited by Sure Global Fair (SGF).

Cleaning Guard was developed by Gröninger Cleaning Systems, a supplier of high-pressure cleaning systems, and Lucrasoft Solutions as a specific module within their MainPro management software, which is used by many tank cleaning companies worldwide. The development took place in cooperation with Tank Cleaning Europoort, an innovator and operator in the tank cleaning industry. The system validates and controls tank cleaning processes, giving customers the highest quality of cleaning.

The Cleaning Guard module, while initially designed for the food sector, also offers solutions for other industries. A Gröninger Tank Cleaning System combined with MainPro Cleaning Base software provides operators with the key requirements for the implementation of Cleaning Guard. The system can be implemented standalone as well.

MainPro Cleaning Base is the user friendly software base that plays a pivotal role in every cleaning. The entire process – from acceptance to invoicing – is managed and fully automated in one single application that controls client data, previous products and wash programmes in one basic solution. It ensures that tank cleaning stations and their customers (carriers, shippers and end customers) are provided a high quality of tank cleaning.

Operational and human errors are minimised through automated programme selection and control via the PLC, by matching the preestablished programme to the tank using a unique identifying number. The programme that is selected to clean the tank includes certain (safety) regulations and sets out the requirements, by giving instructions to the operator. This information is reproduced on the cleaning instruction. Entering the unique identifying number on the control panel of the wash bay ensures the system always starts the correct wash programme (input control). As additional tasks, such as the cleaning of hoses and pipes, drying, etc. have already been established, the operator can effectively perform the tank cleaning.

Cleaning Guard ensures the correct execution of cleaning registering hardware information in the software. Data on (water) pressure, flow, dosage of detergents, disinfectant and temperature, etc. are recorded in the wash bay through special sensors and gauges (output control). This data is continuously validated through a link to the PLC. If one of the parameters does not correspond to the programme requirements or the pre-set values, the PLC will repeat the previous step in the wash programme. Based on this principle, the quality and validation of the entire tank cleaning process using the MainPro Cleaning Guard module is verified.

The values of the different parameters such as pressure, temperature, flow, etc., are constantly measured during the cleaning. A client certificate will provide both graphic and numeric data. The MainPro Cleaning Guard is proof that the cleaning has been completed as specified. If the cleaning is performed adequately, the MainPro Cleaning Base issues a European Cleaning Document (ECD) to confirm the cleaning method has been executed in accordance with the requirements. It is also possible to design customised certificates.

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