
Climbing the ladder of success

The safety of operators working at a height is at the heart of TRIAX’s business.
The company focuses on safety pallet gates – both automised and non-automised - as well as flap doors for shafts, folding stairways and mobile safety ladders.
All its products are approved by the Technical Inspection Association (TUV SUD). Every year, over 10% of all work accidents are due to falls from a height based on figures from the European Statistics on Accidents at Work body.
No risk of falls is acceptable as it implies important consequences for the equipment as well as the operators.
Triax said in a statement: “Prevention is better than cure and prevention always pays off. “This is our corporate philosophy. Our products are custom-made and adapted to the particular needs of very single customer within the statutory framework. The satisfaction of our customers is our vision and driving force.”
For example, access to the dome of road tankers can be dangerous, as its surface might be slippery due to the contents inside the vehicle. Working near or in a manhole presents potential dangers that may result in serious accidents.
Access from a fixed structure, like folding stairways, or from mobile access, like a safety mobile ladder, can reduce the risk of falls and injuries.
Folding stairways guarantee the safety of the operators accessing the top of the tank as they are height adjustable. There are two versions – one with a flat deck, or with steps. The corbelling protects the working area around the tank.
The objective of these safety structures is to guarantee safety and perimeter protection for the handling of goods and liquids between low and high levels.
TRIAX’s structures allow access on to a tanker’s dome in a safe manner, as they prevent the operator from slipping when climbing on and off the vehicle. The company’s products also meet the ergonomic requirements of the workplaces as all industrial solutions are custom-made, and take into account the features and conditions on site.
Sometimes frontal access to vehicles is not always achievable. So, the company has developed a new safety ladder with lateral access that can tilt back to back off the tank without the operator having to move it.
A company spokesman said: “Every solution we suggest is particularly orientated on the requirements of one single customer within the realms of current statutory regulations.
“Custom-made devices are established after a specifically detailed analysis of the situation by our research and development department.”

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