
GRILLO-WERKE equips fleet of tank containers with telematics from IMT

GRILLO-WERKE has had its entire fleet of sulphur dioxide tank containers equipped with telematics from Intermodal Telematics (IMT).
Dirk Sehlhoff, product manager SO of GRILLO-WERKE AG, based in Duisburg, Germany, said: “The main reason for our decision to choose IMT's telematics solution is that location queries of our fleet are possible worldwide, without gaps and in real time.
“This allows us to identify bottlenecks at an early stage and, if necessary, provide replacement tank containers at short notice.
“Thanks to the IMT geofencing function, loading times and inefficient idle times can also be displayed, monitored and reduced in real time."
GRILLO-WERKE AG has chosen the CLT20-Ex from IMT - a communication and location terminal that monitors geo-position and physical movement.
The CLT20-Ex is also the central data hub for all IMT sensors mounted on a tank container, sending all collected measurement data to the IMT platform every 5 minutes in motion, for example.
The CLT20-Ex has a unique four-way modem that addresses all current and future cellular networks worldwide (2G, 3G, 4G, 5G, LTE-M), so measurement and location data can be sent across countries without data loss.
The ATEXcertified CLT20-Ex is powered by solar energy, eliminating the need for battery replacement.
“What was also important to us when choosing the telematics provider was the intuitive handling of the devices. With the very easy-touse IMT pairing app, it was possible for us to independently connect the IMT technology to our loading unit, via our mobile devices in just a few steps and immediately make it visible on the platform. Thanks to the IMT technology we can provide our customers with important data within the logistics chain,”added Sehlhoff.

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