
Hoyer’s guidelines to negotiating Covid-19

The HOYER Group has revealed the actions taken in the company with regard to dealing with the emergency situation caused by the coronavirus, COVID-19 pandemic.
Since the virus has evolved in so many different ways depending on the country, and as all countries have different approaches to fighting COVID-19, it is not possible to have a single common approach on handling COVID-19 for all 115 country operations of the HOYER Group across the globe, it revealed.
The group said it was critical to always follow the guidance of the government/regional authority and the local health service.
This is a common understanding within the overall HOYER Group.
In addition HOYER has created an Emergency Taskforce at Group level to oversee its actions, and coordinate with local emergency taskforces set up in each part of our business
It has also identified minimum skeleton staff for each part of our operation, introduced remote working for as many roles and colleagues as is reasonably possible, agreed rotated attendance at work/working remotely from home for employees in similar roles, ensured that when any employee at work is identified as being a confirmed or suspected corona virus case, all work colleagues who have been in close and/or frequent contact with that person will immediately be sent home to self- isolate for 14 days.
The company has also reduced business travel down to the absolute minimum necessary.
HOYER has, where applicable implemented shift system working that avoids overlap of people, with only written handovers, increased awareness of general hygiene rules and behaviour, introduced additional hygienic cleaning measures in the workplace, and issued additional PPE where needed and raised the awareness to put a distance between two people, avoid bigger groups, and lingering in communal spaces, and refrain from face-to-face meetings.
The company also said all locations have set up their own bespoke plans relevant to their local circumstances.
A spokesman said: “Within our logistics services our drivers are key people, undertaking essential work in the most professional and safe way in these very difficult circumstances. Right now drivers need everyone’s support, help and confidence. Support and help us achieving this, it would be much appreciated.”

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