
Silo cleaning professionals from Cologne

TTC – Top Tank Cleaning operates from the metropolitan area of Cologne and services almost all major European tank and silo transporters.
The company is located off the A4 motorway access, near the Cologne container terminal, where freight forwarding agents can have their silos cleaned efficiently.
To minimise waiting time and maximise cleaning performance, the control software applications ACT-CONTROL and TSC-CLEANING calculate the ideal amount of cleaning agent depending on the type of vehicle, tank size as well as type and concentration of residues needed for operations.
The containers are also dried with hot air to minimise waiting time for customers.
The company said its container handling service is particularly popular with clients, as customers can unload their tanks to be cleaned into the large tank depot using TTC’s own crane and, if desired, have them exchanged immediately for a previously cleaned tank to avoid delays.
Latex and dispersion tanks are processed within eight hours on a latex circulation system until they are neutrally and chemically clean.
The Cologne-based company said it was also an expert in tank container cleaning for MDI and HDI tanks using specially designed baking powder in its sandblasting system.
As an added service, all lorry drivers can shower for free at TTC and each will receive a free snack consisting of bockwurst, a bread roll, and coffee.

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