
Transforming tank cleaning operations

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In the tank cleaning industry accuracy is everything.
The tank needs to be cleaned in a specific way and the paperwork needs to be filled in correctly.
For the cleaning stations efficiency matters. Every extra minute spent by the station attendant filling forms is a minute away from serving the next client and a minute less spent on the road.
Extra minutes spent by the cleaners are a valuable revenue generator – that can often left by the wayside.


Hailing from Alkmaar, north Holland, ONEtobeONE has taken a unique, two-prong approach to automating the day-to-day operations of tank cleaning stations.
Firstly by automating cleaning method selection, invoicing and ECD-generation, and secondly by allowing clients to communicate in their native language and maintain information about their fleets and businesses. Every step of the process is designed to reduce human error and to improve efficiency.

Automating expertise

Traditionally, determining the right cleaning method for a tank requires expertise and knowledge of the cargo's chemical properties. This process often involved manual decision making, leading to potential errors and inefficiencies. ONEtobeONE has solved this problem by allowing operators to digitalise the knowledge of the best operators, allowing station attendants more time to serve arriving clients and freeing cleaners from liability.
Automation is at the heart of ONEtobeONE, driving efficiency and reducing the burden of manual tasks.
The software also automates ECD and invoice generation. These are both generated based on order information. This not only saves time, but it also ensures that payments are processed promptly, improving cash flow for the business.

Bridging communication gaps

One of the key challenges faced by tank cleaning stations in Europe is communication and language barriers. As a fully online solution ONEtobeONE allows for totally seamless communication between clients, drivers and the station staff.
The platform itself has been translated into five languages and arriving drivers can announce and book cleaning jobs in 15 languages on an easy to use touch screen kiosk.
Information about the cleaning jobs is communicated directly to the cleaners. Operators will, therefore, always have accurate information about the vehicle, the client’s requirements and precautions to take.
Once done, the operators can record details like extra minutes spent, detergent used and photographs. All of this information can be used for invoicing and it is available to everyone.
Invoicing also benefits from the platform approach, ONEtobeONE can communicate directly both with clients, as well as the operator’s bookkeeping software.
Invoices are sent in the client’s language, with their pricing agreement and payment terms and every euro is clearly accounted for with very little manual labour involved.

Fully online

On ONEtobeONE, clients can pre-announce their arrival and service requirements online, reducing wait times and ensuring that they get the most utilisation out of the lanes.
The unique collaborative approach of this solution means that many clients already have information about the business and the fleet that is recorded on the platform.
This enables businesses to work with the best possible information and that the information is constantly improved by the clients, their providers and receivers. They no longer need to expend resources in data entry as well as maintaining a separate client registry.

For more information: Visit onetobeone.com

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